
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Awesome Music

    By GR_Gunslinger
    Marcus, I’m a huge follower of yours and God speaking through you has helped me keep my vision even years ago. Thank you man, would love to meet you someday. Awesome album!
  • Yess!!!

    By kalex3
    Praise God!
  • Surprised Me

    By Elbin Alomar
    This is a good project all around, great beat choices, content obviously is awesome. I was honestly surprised at how much I liked this project off the first listen, I didn’t know Marcus was this gifted with music.

    By NoviOrshal
    Amazing album 🙌🏻
  • Very pretty music

    By erikasky
    Marcus Rogers I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for you and for the music you have so faithfully put forward. I am just thankful that God put it in your heart to make this album. May the Lord continue to bless us with more of your musical talents. I enjoy Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, Tropical Salsa music but very few to none is about our wonderful God who deserves all praise and glory. Your music reminds me of all and I thank God for it.
  • Finally

    By ~{Synergy}~
    This is one of those "Buy Album" albums. Been waiting for this ever since Marcus jumped off that swing in slow motion.
  • Inspired!!!

    By Moniquemayers
    This is great spirit and truth revealed in this music. God uses you, taking you from glory to glory as He will for all who asks of Him. Using the blood of the lamb your testimony to overcome will inspire others to do the same and glorify your Father in Heaven. Heaven Opened!

    By Mandy Lee M
    Marcus Rogers has always brought that 🔥🔥🔥 when it comes to GOOD gospel music that relates to young people with their and his walk with God. I can’t tell you how much I LOVE every single song on this album! I downloaded it this morning and have been listening all day. Feel so blessed to be able to hear these and I’m so happy there are people like you who are on fire for Jesus for real!!! Don’t ever stop making music because this is one of your gifts and you honor God with all of these!!! Thanks so much ❤️