YouTube Videos
By Elon Musk Tech Support
1: Newest Glitches In Shell Shockers! 2: Tips and Tricks! 3: 1v1 Strategies (Places to shoot from/ throw nades or hide) 4: Shell League! ( Hopefully National Coop League!) 5: Thank You vid to the other content creators that inspired me to create videos and stream 6: Trolling… (wanted to make a video but ran out of ideas so I just went around trolling helpless gamers for 5-10 minutes 🤣 7: Join a random ffa lobby and try to get as many mid airs as possible in 5-10 minutes with hilarious editing. 8: 1v1 videos 9: Scrim videos with my voice 10: Make a video about playing on mobile 11: After I’ve made all of these other videos on shell shockers start expanding to and and, ect.