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Title Artist Time


  • Last Album of the two Genius

    By Erick's Rules
    Fantastic sound as always, Mature, different styles means different directions, very tender mood in many ways, very enjoyable, just enjoy the ride!
  • The Break-up Song

    By vulko
    Much as I love Supertramp this album is mostly 'blah.' Granted, Breakfast in America was always going to be hard to follow, even if the band was in perfect sync (which we all know that they weren't), but this album shows Supertramp tired and out of ideas. There are a couple good songs, but they aren't anything we haven't already heard. Except for the very first album, this is the Supertramp album I listen to the least.
  • A fitting end

    By Arnold Diaz
    In retrospect, this album hints, no shouts, at the upcoming split between Roger Hodgson and Roger Davies. Each one's songs sounds quite disparate from the other's, and there is no continuity whatsoever in the songs. Hodgson's tracks ("Crazy," "It's Raining Again," "Know Who You Are," have everything one has come to expect from him--catchiness, melodramatic lyrics, and his signature voice, but Davies seems like he's uninspired. The breakup actually worked well for both parties afterward, with Hodgson, more or less, reverting to earlier sensibilities, and Davies rediscovering songwriting anew. But this one, aside from a handful of songs, is for fans only.
  • Darn Good

    By solohans
    A darn good follow up tp BIA.