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  • Masterful Renditions

    By SurfinRick
    Richard Thompson is widely regarded by serious music fans as one of the greatest guitarists/songwriters of the last 40 years. He is also a superb vocalist. Unfortunately, he hasn't the name recognition and media attention reserved for far, far less talented musicians. Happily, for those of us who are devoted fans, this makes him more accessible and allows us to enjoy a musical intimacy with him that would not be possible if he was given the spotlight that shines on artists like Dylan, McCartney, Clapton, or many of the lesser talents who occupy pop, rap, and hip-hop spotlights in contemporary music (too many to cite here). On this second collection of some of his most beloved songs, performed solo on acoustic guitar he proves once again his mastery of his instrument and his genius at composition. None of these tunes are new, per se, but many have only been heard by most people either with his legendary British folk-rock band, Fairport Convention, with ex-wife Linda Thompson or his own Richard Thompson Bands, in most cases, electric and amped. Hearing them solo acoustic almost makes them seem new, yet owing to his prodigious skill as a guitarist in no instance do the songs feel as they lack instrumentation. His guitar covers the bass, rhythm and lead lines to a degree that might appear to those unfamiliar with his skill, to be two or three guitars playing simultaneously but incredibly it's all RT. Moreover, his unique, haunting baritone voice brings a warmth and an "Englishness" to his singing that is his singular vocal signature. His voice has improved dramatically since his early days, in range and power, that is remarkable. He is a complete performer and a peerless professional. Of course, for his devoted fans, who will certainly be familiar with every song on the album, this will be required purchasing. The collection spans almost the entirety of his career, selections from his FC days right up to much more recent compositions. If you're an RT fan you'll love this just as you did his previous "Acoustic Classics" album. It seems he has left room for a third acoustic album at some near-future date, quite possibly one of acoustic rarities. The man's catalog is enormous and still growing so I imagine he could continue to grace us with his musical genius, hopefully for many years to come. Of late, with his name recognition and media exposure expanding, he may yet alter his reputation as "the greatest guitarist/songwriter you've never heard of." Those of us who love him and his music have been aware of his greatness for decades. Buy this record!