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Title Artist Time


  • o my god a masterpiece

    By Guvuucyi
    this is definitely a step up from his debut in my opinion. production is so dreamy and done so well. angel olsen’s feature ughhh so goooooooooood. i cant stop raving about this masterpiece. ya gotta listen omg.
  • Fresh

    By DominosDeathlyAle
    It just released and I've listened to the whole thing. Having done this I can confidently say that it's good. He's made a solid album with clever songs, and it's different. It's something that stands out from his last album but still sounds like him. I, for one, am impressed.
  • Not Jumping the Shark

    By Wolfdude78
    I'm all for musicians progressing and artists trying different things but so far I am just not vibing with the three available songs on Alex Cameron's New Forced Witness album which will be released later this week. Jumping the Shark was dark, funny, twisted and just unlike anything I'd heard at the time of it's release, I just fell in love with Alex and that album, but to put it bluntly, the songs on this new record sound so cheesy, and I think it's intentional. Alex might be the type of artist that's going to give you something completely different with each release, and I'm OK with that, hopefully the rest of the album is better than the three songs available for streaming.