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Title Artist Time


  • Cheeky-Mae

    By Super-Chelle
    The entire CD is an anointed praise & worship offering!
  • Great encouragement!

    By Ben2747
    Anthony Evans came to Miranatha this weekend. His words are piercing, his voice captivating and his heart bleeding with sincerity. His words encourage and warm Christians and seekers alike. I look forward to listening to this album over and over again and enjoying the message and smooth melodies.
  • No8!!

    By Cuddlyzi
    My kids and I dance to this while I teach them how fabulous being a Christian is! This was a gift to me from an employee and I love love love it! We're almost deaf from listening to this album as a whole, even my 5yr hums praise will ever be on my lips😊#My❤️'snowyourhome!!
  • Incredible voice/❤️4 GOD!!!

    By Brave_holiday_fan
    I saw him at the Fervent tour and he is incredible!! Amazing voice and huge passion for God!!!
  • Just Gets Better All The Time

    By dorunrun4fun
    This is the best album yet. We are so blessed by this inspiring leader.
  • Gratitude

    By FreeinNyC
    I haven't skipped one song! This album of R&B and drops of pop has given my heart pure joy. The words made me re-evaluate and showed me how much I'm in love with Christ! It's magnified my thanksgiving and gratitude! Praise God for Anthony's gift ..,and heartbreaking smile!!
  • Anthony Does it Again!!

    By Jhnry4
    This album is absolutely uplifting! Anthony flat out brings it with his powerful and soulful voice. Song after song you'll be shaking your head with amazement as the Holy Spirit fills you through Anthony's message in song! Thank you Anthony for sharing your gift once again!
  • Slept on!!!!!

    By Gurlll101
    Highly favored! Ever Be and Home!!!!🙌🏾
  • Back to Life

    I am so excited! ❤️❤️❤️anything by Anthony!
  • Re-meeting Jesus

    By Jesus warrior princess
    The season that I've recently walked through would make anyone believe that I am just meeting Jesus for the 1st time in my life. The reality is that I've been walking with Him for 10 yrs and the wilderness season I've been led into has rocked me to my core. I couldn't recognize myself as a Jesus follower with the way I was dry. I didn't have it in me to endure. The enemy was very present in my ear but God. The 1 thing I could manage to do was cry out in worship. The song "see you again" comforted me many a nights and I believe delivered me from the enemy's grip. Now that I have the rest of the album, my heart is a little more joyful, a little more encouraged and a lot more prepared to keep going. I thank God for Anthony's voice and answer to his call. He's definitely anointed. Hope everyone else that listens receives their deliverance through this worship album.