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  • 3 Stars Since Its Elvis but..

    By jdrmc
    Can't they add orchestration and NOT add the cheap sounding programmed drum sounds? The wonder of you & Kentucky rain don't sound right. I would love the original songs orchestrated. That would be amazing.
  • A voice only God could create.

    By True3
    Saying I love Elvis Presleys voice seems too flat for his talent. Elvis not only had a one of a kind voice...no other singer has EVER come close to his amazing vocals...but HE GAVE HIS ALL WITH WITH A PASSION WE HAVE EVER HEARD BEFORE OR SINCE. Elvis seemed to share his very soul with the world! His ups, downs, falling in love, the complications of love, the deepest joy and sorrow, love of fun, women, family and God. He made people feel just as deeply right along with him. His voice made us dance, fall in love with the special "one" in each of our lives.... we fell in love with him too! He also sang of loss, heartache, pain, lust, sin, redemption and God. With his beautiful voice he touched the world. He was broken just as we all are....and it was reflected in his art. Thank you Elvis we truly love you. You are a one off. And we are better off having you in our lives. For me no collection of Elvis is complete until u own everything he sang!! But this is a nice album is a good good enough starting point. Listen to his lesser known Gospel and I dare you not to feel moved by Dolly Parton's "In the Ghetto." XOXO RIP
  • Absolutely Amazing!!!

    By chuckEp
    This is INCREDIBLE!!!!!! It's a work of genius! How'd they do this!?!?! The first time I listened to this I thought it was actually produced prior to Elvis' death-I am still not entirely convinced Elvis and the Philharmonic are not on stage together! You will not be disappointed when you listen to it, it brought tears to my eyes.
  • Amazing Album. These are perfect!

    By ElvisSung
    I can't get enough of these beautifully imagined masterpieces. Stan and Brain the two uneducated trolls that don't know a thing about ELVIS. Those ignorant hateful reviews they left are period Proof of that. And because it's not all the"Heavy Bloated" Elvis. Actually non of these songs are from the last few years of his life. He had at most a 33" waist when all these tracks were laid down. And many are from the"Cool" hound dog days.... LONG LIVE THE KING!!! 40 years gone and just as strong!!!!✨💖👑💖✨👑👏👏👏👏 ⭐️TCB⭐️
  • This Is For Elvis's Biggest Fans

    By KelleyMack
    This comment is for all of Elvis's biggest fans out there - he has many, and I proudly put myself into this group as well... It was around the age of 11 when I had fallen madly in love with Elvis Presley, even though he had passed away three years before the year that I was born (in 1980) I will never forget the first time I heard his music, it just resognated in me something fierce, and it wasn't long before I practically became utterly obsessed with everything Elvis... I grew up in the era of Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, and New Kids on the Block - and while all my friends were thumping around to Ice Ice Baby and Hanging Tough - I was rocking and rolling to Hunka Hunka Burning Love... They all thought I was crazy - and even my own Mom and Dad were a bit on the 'concerned' side over my profound fascination with Elvis. (lol) Today, I am a 36 year old married mother of two, and while my fascination with Elvis Presley has finally 'eased' some - This album, "The Wonder Of You" has opened up the flood gates - and I have no doubt that it will have a profound effect on Elvis's biggest fans... The one song in particular that hit me the hardest was "Just Pretend" (with Helene Fischer) - I mean my GOD.... Just try to listen to it without sobbing your heart out.
  • Robb Spiwak brought me here.

    By Tim W Carter
    Robb Radio!
  • The king is back

    By Theatergroupie
    Long live the king!
  • All of his awful songs.

    By BrianSwaldi
    These aren't the cool, younger, Jailhouse Rock/Hound Dog years. These are the bloated, sweaty Vegas garbage years. No thanks.
  • Elvis. Enough said

    By @MichaelB
    There is a reason he is called the King of Rock and Roll. I woul love to see "I've Got a Thing About you Baby" released as a single. One of the standouts on this album. Great song selections and the orchestra pops. Just hit play..and repeat.
  • Good Album

    Overall, these songs are better than the "If I Can Dream" album. The 70s era songs are really better than the originals because of the instrumentation and updated mixing. Some of those 70s songs might have been hits or bigger hits if released like this. I've been listening to Elvis since the very early 70s (in Memphis). It is enjoyable to hear new versions of his work. Give it a try.