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Title Artist Time


  • Stop ragging on the lips

    By stan_1978
    This is a awesome album if only for the purpose of nostalgia. Five stars. Check out the live tracks. Very cool.
  • At least I didn't already have the live stuff

    By kanuch
    First, to the reviewer who critized the Lip's albums since Yoshimi... I do understand what you are saying, though I disagree. The Lips have ALWAYS been about pushing the boundaries and doing something new, not standing still. I'm sure they could have kept putting out the same sound album after album like so many long-living bands do ( U2, REM, etc.) but they choose to evolve. Some of it has been fantastic (Embryonic, Peace Sword, 7 Skies H3), others less thrilling to me (With a Little Help isn't my favorite). The one thing you can count on is that their next album will not hold the status quo. That said, I don't REALLY see the purpose of reissuing Clouds along with the mid-90's minor releases without remastering or doing something NEW. I think that just about anyone who would buy this probably already has all that. The live recordings from '96 I did NOT have. They aren't the highest quality recordings, but it is interesting to hear the band live at that time. Thanks, Apple, for making those available for individual download!
  • The Ultimate Trainwreck

    By The Bradleyss
    How did this happen? At the point where they released Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, Flaming Lips were the best band on the planet — inventive, creative, geniuses. Now they release about three gawdawful, unlistenable records a year, they tour with Miley Cyrus and they KEEP PUTTING THE SAME OLD LPs OUT UNDER DIFFERENT NAMES. They’re boring, they’re lazy, and nobody should be putting a nickel in their pockets. A sad, sorry end to a once grand band.