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Title Artist Time


  • Beautiful

    By 321 SuperStar
    My words can't do this album justiceā€¦.
  • Absolute Genius

    By sti yoda
    If Pink Floyd smoked a J and had a baby with Tool, you would get Intronaut. Awesome musicians, awesome guys off the stage as well. Well done guys.
  • A Monumental Achievement

    By sspadafo
    I feel how weak and fruitless any words of mine might be which would attempt to describe an album so overwhelmingly great. But I cannot refrain from tendering Intronaut the congratulations they so deserve. I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage any anguish they experience on tour, and leave them only the cherished memories of the many drinks I will buy them when they come to my town, and the solemn pride that must be theirs to have made such a monumental record. -Abraham Lincoln
  • Great album!!!!

    By GuiltyGuy
    So glad Ryan Bruce on YouTube made you guys the "suggestion of the week"... Fast Worms video is awesome!!! Lol
  • Incredible.

    By Clarence Doskocil
    Post Progressive Metal with slight Ambient tendencies? You decide. A must buy.
  • betta an butter

    By angryhobbitt
    intronaut continues to improve with every lp they have released. my favorite being void this album here takes the cake. I have no complaints for this album a true piece of music get it now and allow you mind to wander were it pleases!!!
  • Outstanding

    By Jamesm601
    This album deserves a more thorough review than this one in tapping out on my phone, but I didn't want to wait. Good god is this great. Right now Sul Ponticello is my favorite track, but that's already changed a few times. If you liked Valley of Smoke or Habitual Levitations, imagine how they would sound with exponentially better production and mastering. Not to say this is a retread of those albums at all. It's a new direction for the band. But this album does continue the evolution that started with Valley of Smoke toward metal that is as melodically sophisticated as it is mathematically complex. There is a gorgeous mix of the brutal and the beautiful on this disc. My album of the year so far, and it's mid November.
  • just

    By Ofwgktadfagllbblsbfn
  • Holy crap

    By filmaddict
    What just happened? Even better than their last which was near perfect
  • Awsome

    By dmure
    This album is gold!!!!