
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • or with your Soulmate

    By CptR
    Had to wait for the kids to go down, but this was a great way to connect with my wife over a massage. I'd recomend this to any professional masseuse. Very helpful!
  • Very helpful!

    By Ron P Productions
    This will not only help you attract your soulmate but it will also help you to be a much happier person who can attract ANYTHING you want!
  • Very interesting!

    By Enlightn1
    I have always been a believer in the law of attraction. I believe if you want something or someone in your life, you must condition your mind to think a certain way and believe that you already have that person you want. This album is an excellent conditioning tool. The narrator's voice is very soothing and will capture the attention of the listener. The background is very therapeutic as it induces a hypnotic effect. I definitely recommend listening to this album before bed or when you want to have a quiet moment.