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  • Video Length: 0:00

Music Video


  • Love it

    By The cool D
    I love this song soooooooooooooooooo❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ much
  • Hate IT! 👎👎👎👎

    By Zahana's Reantaze
    I hate that song! Embarrassing and makes me moody! 😖😖😖
  • Fantastic beat

    By Lueegee
    I watched a video that was done by a local police department where the whole office did a routine to this song. They were in sync and the guy doing the lipsync was spot on. Look for it on Utube. Very well done. Can't help dancing in my chair everytime I hear the original by Bruno Mars.
  • Sexygirl

    By doglover🤩🤩😄
    I fell in love 😻 with it the first time I heard it!!!!! It is worth five hundred million stars ✨!!!!! Bruno Mars haters,back off!!!
  • Absolute

    By onederbunz

    By hgygtggy
    🤯my mind is blown!!!!!!!!!!!🤯🤯🤯

    By no, you reject all
    The first few notes of this tune is my “ready-set-go” to get up, no matter where I am, and prepare to blast off!!! No other song, except maybe JUMP by Van Halen, makes me “shiver” because I absolutely LOVE IT SO VERY MUCH and hate when it stops. An immediate GREAT MOOD CHANGER gets you UP AND KEEPS YOU THERE, whenever something gets you down. Thank you Sexy Guys Bruno and Mark, for a thoroughly outstanding tune that will stay at the Top of the Charts for ALL hippy-dippy dancers F-O-R-E-V-E-R. Hugs, God Bless and LOVE YOU BUNCHES !!!!!!!!!!!!! Monica Bohn, Rock and Roll and Hall of Fame Town, Cleveland, OH. (P.S. I even keep time dancing to UF at the kitchen sink while washing dishes.) € ;o }
  • iconic

    By Queen Satan
  • Uptown Funk

    By SukiNGeorgia
    I loved this song before seeing the video and WOW! Love his dancing and like others have indicated he’s got some moves! I also saw him on The Voice and he had no shame in wearing curlers as if he was getting a perm 🤪. Being AmerAsian puts more into this video and song too 😍🤗!!!
  • 홓햐ㅓ

    By Did ypu see my bag?
    ㅇ어ㅏㅎㄴㄱ흏 ㅠㅠㅓㅎㅇㅊ