I Was Here


  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2012-08-19
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:33

Music Video


  • Best video!!

    By yjj7942
    So touched while watching this video!!
  • number one song in my life

    By Yomarys
    when i heard this song i cry, my doughter did too .i indentefaid my self with it . and i do want to be rebember too the same way since i'm salways helping others but my self. as long i put big smiles on peoples live it's a;; it matters .. rock it beyonce, you coun't have had pick anyother better song then that one .GOD bless you and all the talent he alow you to have ,again rock on girl,,,all i do is cry ,cry ,cry every time i play the song ,,lol,lol love yomarys castro aguilar
  • Chills!!!

    By Tamboogie
    Oh my!! I saw the tears in her eyes, and I lost it!! I had chills on my chills!! Great performance!! Brava!!!
  • Amazing!!

    By Colg8boy
    I love this song!!!
  • awesome

    By JFlo19
    i saw it on TV she rocked it!
  • 🌍Wow🌎

    By Elvis Fan 101
    This song is beautiful.I love it she did a fantastic job singing this.👍👌
  • SoPowerful.ILoveBeyonce

    I can't believe this is free! So happy right now!!!!

    By AngelFish24
    Only Beyonce can do that. Send shivers down your spine, and bring tears to your eyes.
  • People?

    By CaseyD4653
    I swear the next person who gives this video a bad review because they think she's weird or can't sing is going to get slapped. Do you even watch the video before you trash talk her? The song has more meaning that just to please you. The point of it is to get people to take all the people who are starving and die every day because of preventable causes in consideration and at least think about helping them. Stop being so selfish and ignorant and actually help people instead of trash talking Beyonce. Hey, you can think whatever you want whether it's that she can't sing or if she can, or if you love her or not but don't just look at who's singing the video and saying its horrible without attempting to see what the deeper meaning of the video is.
  • Cesar

    By Analeli

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