More AALIYAH needed!!!
Beyonce is a nice artist, but before there was beyonce there was AALIYAH, SO PLEASE EVERYONE WRITE LETERS TO ITUNES ASKING FOR MORE AALIYAH BECAUSE UNLIKE BEYONCE HAVING DOZENS OF VIDEOS HERE ON ITUNES, their are Only 2 AALIYAH videos on iTunes!! Well thanks for the help...!!!!! You all rock!!!!
Beyoncé Is s legend
By BeyoncéObsser
For all you ppl dissin her y'all know what she is still at top at the end of the day and you're sitting down wishin you could be her ILY Bee
By mle318
I really like the song. But the whole crotch grabbing thing really doesn't appeal her or girls in general. I'd like to hear someone say it does.
By ethan11
When i first saw this I was blown away!! And the crotch-grabbing symbolizes that us guys pretend to be tough and cool all the time. Yeah, i wasnt a huge fan of that part, but her voice was AMAZING!!! And she actually broke a record at the Grammy's: most awards won in one night by a female!!! Way to go B!!
By beatleslover123
for the person who decided that britney spears can cover a song better than beyonce. you are simply wrong and do not know what you're talking about. there's this thing called AUTO-TUNE that they use in the mics when people like, oh, britney spears get up there and can't sing correct pitches. if you don't know what auto-tune is, it's a device that is used and it AUTOmatically tunes the pitch so that it's correct no matter what the singer sings. oh and p!nk has an amazing voice that sounds like no one else. sorry to burst your bubble but originality is the only way to get into the biz. not that you would know because you are complete idiots that know nothing about music. you are simply uneducated in the matter so you should just not talk about it. and on top of that you probably have no musical ear because if you did you would know better.
She's an impeccable performer
By DTWdad
5 star performance!
By dffghljs
this is disgusting. she grabbed her crotch!!!! beoyncé is terrible and she can't sing. nuff said ;)
Extravagent Talent
By GodSentTalent
You have to know you've accomplished something as an artist when you have picked up a record-breaking SIX GRAMMYS in one night- Song of the Year for "Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)," Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for "Halo," Best Female R&B Performance for "Single Ladies," Best Traditional R&B Performance for "At Last," Best R&B Song for "Single Ladies" and Best Contemporary R&B Album for I Am... Sasha Fierce. The most wins by a FEMALE in one night at the Grammys!!! This video is a testament to this beautifully talented young woman's art and to the perfection of her craft. You have to understand that the persuasion of this performance comes from so many that she admires; as I saw a little of the late Micheal Jackson (crotch grabbing, which was so befitting with the title of the song performed as most men do this), I loved the rendition of Alanis Morissette's song "You Oughta Know" that was also strategically placed into the performance. I don't understand why so many people on this board discredit Beyonce in such a manner that it seems they almost are personally attacking her charecter. What does Taylor Swift, Lady GaGa, Pink, or anyone for that matter have to do with this performance? All of these beautiful young ladies are talented and have great music, however I don't believe any of the aforementioned are in this video. I would like to see some of you try what any of these women have done and accomplish the things they have, then maybe you'd have room to discredit someone else. They are all awesome in their own right, and I'll bet you they are all (the artists) very fond of and take inspiration from eachother as well. As a matter of fact, Lady GaGa and Beyonce have a song together and I'm pretty sure Pink and Taylor will collaborate with her or eachother on future projects.
Zakk Wylde...?
By VideoStalker
The chick playing guitar behind beyonce is playing an epiphone zakk wylde signature ZV....
A) that guitar would not sound like that
B) it's not plugged in
C) zakk would be disgraced
If I Were a Boy (Live)
By Charles58
I loved this song when it first came out. I love the live version of this song even more. Beyonce is a great entertainer.