MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name)

Lil Nas X

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2021-03-25
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 3:09

Music Video


  • Love the song, and the music video

    By Energem
    Not for children. But then again, it’s the parents who should be responsible for reviewing what their children are watching and listening to. The world doesn’t revolve around you Karen. If you don’t want your kid to watch this music video, then make sure they don’t. Lil Nas X isn’t responsible for your kid, you are! Anyway, just came to read reviews and had a laugh at the ones about kids and had to leave my own review. Keep doin what your doin lil nas. Love it and will support your music and defend you from the triggered religious right any day of the week!
  • BRUHHHH!!!

    By BethanySittre001
    I just like the song NOW! You basically ruined this song for me!
  • *sigh*

    By King Bradley I
    If I’m invited to HIS funeral I will pee on HIS grave

    By (ツliluvʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔ
  • I just like this song people what no judge

    By hfnfhgun
    Why I like this music video is it’s kind of weird but I like weird stuff so please give it five reviews and yeah🥺
  • Uhm

    By 💸💵💸💵💸🙃
    Yeah uhhh, there are kids that like lil nas x, but uhm, this video, uhh, I’m 11. So yeah.
  • from the dj's who play's your music

    By dj MIX Master1
    theybsaid the same thing about prince who became one of the world greatest artist let no man or women judge that is power of the LORD
  • Weird

    By why the gross
    Yuck gross no child should see this gross gross gross!
  • Slay bish 😈

    By mixed_kid6
    He legit gridded on satin then snatch his weave.👍🏽👑
  • Fantastic & Bold

    By MagicMike71857
    Keep up the great work, Lil Nas X....... You are unique and envied by many in your business. I'm glad you know who you are and could care less what others think. Thanks for what your doing for our community...... xx/oo

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