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Title Artist Time


  • wondrous

    By AlpacaTheGreat
    Joe Hisaishi never fails to create wonderfully beautiful masterpieces.
  • I just got smacked off a cliff by Nostalgia

    By A_Mediocre_Asian
    Even though I was a late 2000’s/early 2010’s kid, I grew up watching a LOT of Ghibli movies, out of all of them, Ponyo is one of my top five favorites! I’m so glad the music album for the movie is here!

    By Arctic sushi
    This music reminded me when I first watched these movies as a kid
  • So beutiful!!!!

    By Kugler62
    This is the single most beutiful and goose-bumpy album I've ever listened to! 12 thumbs up!
  • I❤️💛💚💙💜PONYO

    By Sophoz
    This is amazing music!!! :) I have always loved the movie, but have never realized that there was an album of it on iTunes. Each time I listen to this music it reminds me of the ocean and my childhood😊
  • Perfect score for the movie. Excellent OST by itself

    By QuarterSwede
    This is one of those soundtracks that is absolutely perfect for the movie it scores. Every scene has the perfect accompaniment to create emotion. The intro track is one of my all time favorites and the wall of sound at the very height of the scene where Ponyo is running on water leads to equally monumentous emotion. Bravo!
  • Talk about Nostalgia!

    By Ray Ner
    Mr. Hisaishi's works truly speak from the heart and illustrate the allegories that Hiyao Miyazaki wants for an underwater nostalgic feel. The animation and the music bring back so many nostalgic memories when I watched this as a little child just amazed at the imagination and wonder of Miyazaki's work. I would recommend any of Mr. Hisaishi's magnanimous works in a heart beat! 👍👏👍
  • Finally!

    By NightMickey
    I've been checking in every few months for Studio Ghibli soundtracks for years! Glad they finally put them up here. Well worth the wait. So much of the magic of these stories would be lost without these excellent scores.
  • Another Solid, Memorable Ghibli Score!

    By DisneyWildcat
    Hisaishi's scores are amazing, and Ponyo is no expection. It's playful and emotional, which is perfect for Ponyo.
  • Perfect

    By MistressDoom22
    An also great for all ages my nieces an my mother of course me love it