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Title Artist Time


  • Fragile alan parsons

    By Bicycle john
    Were is that new cd" alan? Fragile is a great song... I need more parsons please! Like the other 2 new songs he has found the perfect sound...
  • fragile

    By Brewski3
    AWESOME as is all of Alan Parson's music. Really hope we get a new album from him soon. Can't get enough of his great sound and mixes!
  • How Fragile

    By sleeptech129
    Back in 2011 Alan Parson produced a group called SubClones that had a 4 song EP. On that EP was this song. They called it ‘How Fragile’. While it does sound different in this incarnation. It sounds like an Alan Parson song now. Now we can only hope that he does something with the rest of the songs he says he has accumulated.
  • Stuck on repeat!!!

    By JiffyPop
    This is such a well written song, musically and lyrically...Must have a complete album NOW! I personally haven't heard anything this good from Mr. Parsons since "On Air"
  • Parsons!

    By R. Haight
    Good to hear some new Parsons, Very Floydish
  • Just a fantastic song!!

    By BillyBragg
    Loved the words as much as the soaring guitar throughout the track. Great imagery, perfect for this rainy day we are having.