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Title Artist Time


  • Good… Could Be Better

    By That One Guy!
    Alright, so Bowie's music is awesome for sure! There are some great songs on this 80s compilation album, but it could have been better. For starters, it doesn't include anything from 1989's Tin Machine album. This is just my opinion, so take it or leave it, but here's what I think would have made this 80s compilation album perfect: EXCLUDE these 8 songs - "Up the Hill Backwards", "Alabama Song" (1978 live version is MUCH better, but that's 70s, not 80s), "The Drowned Girl", This Is Not America" (decent song, but not amazing), "When the Wind Blows", "Time Will Crawl", "Day-In Day-Out" (good song, but the Never Let Me Down album has better songs to offer), and "Underground" (again, good song, but the Labyrinth soundtrack has better songs to offer). Then instead INCLUDE these 8 songs: "It's No Game Pt. 1", Magic Dance", "As the World Falls Down", "Never Let Me Down", "New York's In Love", "Shining Star", "Heaven's In Here", and "I Can't Read".