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Title Artist Time


  • Keeps the excitement going

    By Rheneas
    When I was playing through the game, I thought I was experiencing a glitchy lag. It felt so in tune with the style of the game, that I figured out that this is the real deal. Orchestral parts mixed to form more complex rhythms and melodies. Especially with the instruments being tracked in the score that have their own unique mix. If you ever told me that you could make an exciting orchestral soundtrack featuring a Theremin, I would have laughed at you, but now I have heard the bazar, and it is beautiful.
  • So good!

    By snickersforte
    I wasn't sure how much I'd like this soundtrack when I first started listening to it, but now it's one of my favorites! Very original. I will be following Olivier Deriviere's music from now on.
  • remember me is the greatest video game in the universe capcom are gods

    By heerogunkenobi15
    remember me is the greatest video game in the universe a true classic the best of the best remember me rocks capcom are gods they are the greatest video game company in the universe there true genius's the best of the best capcom rocks all the games that capcom made over the years including resident evil 6 are the greatest games in the universe there classics the best of the best all of capcom games including resident evil 6 rocks
  • Perfectly Emotes the Game's awesome atmosphere.

    By Interstitial
    I cannot mention enough how brilliant this game's soundtrack was...
  • Cutting edge emotion

    By lukevandyk
    This, and the Mirror's Edge soundtrack are my favorite OSTs ever. The Remember Me soundtrack is ethereal, atmospheric, and modern yet at the same time incredibly epic while also incorporating electronic influences that elevate the experience to genuinely impressive. And I'm usually one to torrent music, but I am so impressed by both the game and the soundtrack that I want to support the developers.
  • Greatness

    By StarGod905
    The instruments and glitchlike sounds make this a perfect mesh of electronic music and pure instrumental. The game this is attached to is also a great buy if you like the music.
  • Stunning

    By SerenityRebirth
    It's beautiful and invokes a form of mystery that blends sci fi and fantasy into one. I enjoy the sheer beauty of the mix of both typical orchestra with electronic influence. Great artistic mesh.
  • Breathtaking

    By Beeflomein15
    Sweeping sounds of perfectly meshed orchestral and electronica.