
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • why's it capped & non capped on the title?

    By 🎵ITunes player🎵
    it just,.. looks weird, anyway i've never played the game but the character,.. meh,.. looks like a jester.. or something but he's cute looking.. idk much about him/her tho.. i call it a her cause of the eyelashes but um.. if it's gay then ok.. just,.. wondering.
  • Nice soundtrack!

    By dogeymon
    Brings back childhood memories. I don't think I plan on buying this because I can just rip the tracks from the old game discs. But this soundtrack is infectious. Now we just need piano music for it that I can print out and play and I'll be all set!
  • Been waiting for this!!

    By Deity77
    Now that there is an album, bring this game back and compose into App!! Would like to relive my childhood again.
  • So many memories...

    By DreamyWolf
    This brought back so many memories of being a kid and playing my sega saturn. Thank you Sega for bringing out this album and HD remix! Now all we need is Clockwork Knight and Panzer Dragoon HD...
  • Great album.

    By PriestessPaula
    Don't own this from iTunes, but it is a great album...however, splitting it into 3 separate ones is kind of a bad move, though it should still be worth it.
  • Thanks😊👈

    By Stephsteph925
    Im so happy that this came into itunes:)👍😊
  • Well Its about time!

    By Giygascott
    I've been waiting for the soundtrack for this for a LONG time, thank you sega for putting your soundtracks on itunes