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Title Artist Time


  • Where did this single come from....?

    By Celtsfan3
    i see alot of mixed reviews, but as a RJA follower since day one and with the directions theyve gone in all their music....i'd have to say i love this song as much as all the rest of their music.... I actually didnt even know about this single till i came across it, previewed it, and was sold on the preview!!! curious if theres a an EP, LP, or soundtrack upcoming for this single.....
  • RJA Obsessive Fan

    By DankMemeee
    If this song isn't on the next Twilight movie's soundtrack, I will be tradgicly disappointed! This is great!!
  • Good song

    By Bwags265
    Rja is amazing they should be recognized more. The british band One direction has 1 album and they sold out madison square garden rja has 4 albums and they arent as popular as i hope they would be. Whats wrong with people these days.
  • Twilight

    By rah4090
    I loved it. : ) Another great song for my classroom rotation. I really loved Ronnie's voice on this song and think it's a nice addition to their library. I'm a fan and will continue to be a fan. Great job as always boys!
  • I don't know how I feel...

    By tcm09
    I was NOT expecting this. I'm actually quite confused about it. If it's about the books/movies, it's not what I would imagine RJA writing about. It's a good song and I like the "creepy" style. It's probably the only song I'm not buying right away... still deciding.
  • I'm a huge fan… just not of this song.

    By linitzzz
    I was really taken by surprise with this song. I didn't think their song Twilight would actually be about the movies/books. The song itself isn't even very good; I don't know how people could even compare it with Your Guardian Angel. It would be one thing if they were writing for the next Twilight soundtrack, but it doesn't seem like it. It's horrible to say this but this song is like a sell-out by a DIY band (I know this makes no sense at all). If they were trying to scoop up some Twilight fans to extend their fan base, all it did was turn off older fans. I just hope they don't play this song live when I see them in NYC over the summer. I've been trying to see them for years now and would hate for this song to make it into the set. Loved "Am I The Enemy," just not this.
  • Awesome

    By Thekiller
    I love TRJA!!
  • Love this tune

    By SKaswan
    Great change of pace and direction for the band. I love how the Twilight story has been incorporated into this well written and performed song.
  • First Review

    By Al;1043
    Jaw-dropping! I was left speechless. That's how amazing this song is! It's beautiful. Buy it if you like "Your Guardian Angel".
  • Big RJA Fan!!

    By Berto, The Creator
    I have every RJA album and every song!!! I've been waiting for this song for a while!!! RJA Fan For Life!!! 5/5* Perfect as Always!!!