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Title Artist Time


  • Spectacular

    By Mr. Blooboo
    I must say,this is one of William's best scores.Espesially The Reunion
  • The Master at Work

    By captainbaldi
    I have always been a fan of John Williams, but this score really blew me away. He moved away from many of his usual stylistic traits, such as floating harp glissandos, brassy heroism, and driving counter-melodies. This film called him to score something else…something unique. And while this score is still very "John Williams," in a sense, he is not nearly as bombastic here as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or even Memoirs of a Geisha, Far and Away, or E.T.. With "Warhorse" he evokes something tender, something subtle, and delicate…yet passionate and filled with life. The orchestration is gorgeous, and there are moments when my heart just skips beats. With majesty he brings the tragedies of World War I to life with dazzling melodies and artistic, sweeping phrases. The opening song, "Dartmoor, 1912" is worth the $10 in itself. The Final and Homecoming come in close second and third. And Oscar-worthy score by an all-time great.
  • Madly in love with the book and the movie

    By SmallZombomb
    I really love the book and the movie! Though I was upset that they didn't put zoey in there, the old horse. I love the music and it does truly touch my heart! They did a great job with the music and the sound. I love the cover of the movie but I can't tell if it is a picture or a drawing..... But this will be the best movie I have watched and the best book I read and with very good music! One more thing, the goose was pretty funny! Any one else read the book? If u hadn't READ it!!!!!
  • You won't regret buying this

    By karategurl254
    Whether you buy just one song or the whole album, I assure you that you won't regret it. Although I have not seen the movie, after listening to this amazing soundtrack it is now at the top of my to-do list.
  • beautifully done!

    By Inlovewithcristie
    i highly love it. they music is so wonderfully preformed, that it blows your mind! congratulations to anyone who had the honor to be associated with this movie!
  • Pleasantly Surprised.

    By tally4321
    I'll admit, i never liked John William's scores. I listened to the old Harry Potters and other things he's well known for, and really wasn't impressed. However, when i saw the movie "War Horse", I feel like his score truly carried a lot of the film. I was pleasantly surprised, and now LOVE this score.
  • War Horse

    By OldManJeinkinz
    Captures all of the emotions! Very well done! Also, something that I have NEVER seen. On the first track, it is listed as album only. Still, it has a popularaty bar.
  • Beautiful!

    By Book 6
    So pissed this didn't win best musical score at the Oscars! War Horse was a beautifully well done movie with brilliant music!
  • Awesome, yet sad

    By EmoChick1992
    Anything I say about John Williams being awesome would be repetitive... so I'll just say this: it's like Spielberg went up to Williams and said, "John, try your damned hardest to make people cry ". Let's just say that John Williams succeeded.
  • Best score of the year

    By bstoi
    John Williams oscar-nominated(yay!) score for War Horse is by far the best original score of the year, and this has been a fantastic year for soundtracks. It really says something about how great of a composer John is when the first two scores he's done in four years both get oscar nominations.