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Title Artist Time


  • excellent value

    By 002938475
    I don't need to explain how awesome themes like Star Wars and Superman are, but this whole album is worth buying. Hook and 1941 in particular are real treats that many people might not have heard, and there isn't really a bad song in the bunch. The recordings aren't from the original soundtracks as far as I can tell, but they're very high quality-- maybe better in some cases, with material you might have missed otherwise.
  • Mr. Maestro John Williams

    By msntnkrbll
    Of all the composers in all the world through all of time John Williams is the best and my Favorite....his music sends me to the times, places and emotions of my dreams....and the best of the best is the music from HOOK. That is my all-time favorite....the music soars like Peter Pan himself. This album has the best of the best of Mr. Williams. This album ROCKS.