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Title Artist Time


  • One of the All-Time Bests

    By LordShen528491
    This is definitely one of the best soundtracks I have heard. A very sad main theme, great action songs, and above all, the mysterious tone this sets for the film. This is probably one of the most mysterious scores ever. A must have!!!
  • Reviews

    By Jaker65
    Wow from the fugitive to Bourne legacy these are great soundtracks.
  • Missing Music

    By Aragorn742
    While I love the score to The Fugitive, this release from 1993 does not contain the entire score from the film. I have the 2-disc Limited Edition that was released in 2008 containing the entire score as heard in the film as well as alternate cues. Very worth tracking down!
  • Excellent Work

    By DavidComposer
    A composer I knew once said, "Most composers mature once they hit 50." But for James Newton Howard, the opposite was true. The Fugitive score, which he wrote at an age of 42, is one of his best works. With it's interesting bass lines, interesting melodies, and use of the piano, it shows the influence of his pop music days and his time in the 80's scoring Romantic Comedies. I like it much better than his later works, as he increasingly becomes more and more Zimmer-fied. This is a great soundtrack.
  • Why so long?!

    By dubois7emj
    This soundtrack is one of the best of the 1990's. Why did it take so long for it's release on to I-tunes? Clearly someone found their marbles and did us some justice.