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Title Artist Time


  • Why Was Couperin Excluded?

    By Regpasha1
    Couperin's "Rondeau" from his "Les Barricades Mysterieuses" is not on this album. Yet, it occurs many times throughout the film (ex. father is in the parlor playing it on the piano while his son, who is right outside on the porch, joins him on the guitar). Only a few measures of the piece are used but you will not get them out of your head! If you want to hear the entire work, it is available on iTunes... I suggest selecting a piano transcription for a better appreciation of the harmonic transitions that comprise this work.
  • Doesn

    By chrissowick
    I bought this and was very dismayed to find it didnt even have the one song I bought it for, the creation song! Requiem for My Friend Part 2 by Zbigniew Preisner. I would Imagine a good 80% of the people interested in this album are interested in it for that song, and its not even here. BOOOOOOOO. Some nice score music by Desplat, but not worth the money in my opinion. I should have read the reviews 1st but it was unimaginable to me that the Tree of Life soundtrack didn't have the 1 big Tree of Life song. Ask anyone who's seen the movie which song stands out to them; you know what it will be. Its like 2001 not having Also Sprach Zarathustra.
  • Simply Amazing

    By Elijah_D _One
    I have not even listened to it fully and it is very moving, classic original score and amazing movie! It absolutely gives that "heavenly" feel like the movie does. Buyers be warned you will be touched by this score and have no regrets.
  • Makes no sense

    By robpaw
    This movie is way to long and many no sense. What are you thinking! Only interesting thing was the photography.
  • Complete Soundtrack...

    By thisislunacy
    While Alexandre Desplat's original score is beautiful in itself, here is the list of the primary classical pieces used in the film (and not included on the soundtrack above): 1. Tavener: Funeral Canticle (Excerpt) 2. Preisner: Life: Lacrimosa - Day Of Tears 3. Tavener: Resurrection in Hades 4. Respighi: Suite III: Siciliana. Andantino 5. Holst: Hymn to Dionysus 6. Smetana: Má Vlast: Vltava (The Moldau River) 7. Górecki: Symphony No.3: Il Lento E Largo 8. Couperin: 6e Ordre No. 5 - Les Baricades Mistérieuses 9. Berlioz: Agnus Dei 10. Patrick Cassidy: Funeral March Cheers all!
  • To complete the soundtrack

    By mgallegos70
    If you are looking for the rest of the music in this film, try "Requiem for my friend" by Zbigniew Preisner´s. You´ll find the version of "Lacrimosa" included in the film.
  • Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

    By dibblezibble
    This is not the music that plays to give the "heavenly" feel in the movie. It's the ORIGINAL motion picture soundtrack, which is what Desplat composed for the movie. Buyer be warned. (There is a preview button, you know.)
  • False advertising

    By Vicku123
    Only about 5 minutes of this cd is actually in the movie. The rest is classic classical such as Mahler, Brahms etc.. Hopefully they'll release a proper soundtrack for this movie soon.
  • Desplat deserves a higher score, the album though is incomplete

    By adecker31
    After seeing the film, I wanted to hear all the music, and the beauty of digital music should be that there are no constraints, no reason to leave things off. Put it all in here, you might just expose some people to music they didn't know and expand their range. That seems like it might be cool for everybody. Desplat's compositions are beautiful, but as part of the score, where are we without the Gorecki, the Holst, the Bach, and all the others who helped create the amazement that was this film? The filmmaker did his work, the marketers however, failed in theirs.
  • Desplat perfection

    By _Kilgore_Trout_
    This music is scored beautifully, i loved when it came up throughout the movie. Watch out though, this is the "Original" music from the movie, not, "Music from the motion picture." There is a huge difference.