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Title Artist Time


  • Gorgeous

    By Jacks Mind
    Love this band, love this album. Another in a long line of stunning releases.
  • Savoring this band!

    By Xibee
    At Long last a group that speaks interestingly, isn't afraid to be beauteous, and can actually revel in their sound. I haven't had this much immediate relief since The Engineers.
  • A fire again...

    By deepskyobjects
    This is the closest you can get to the sound from "Things we lost in the fire" Subtle , Beautiful, and emotional. Expect nothing less.
  • The Perfect Balance

    By Bella_Lugosi
    This album is the perfect balance between "Great Destroyer" and earlier iconic albums such as "Secret Name." The music and lyrics are painfully honest and genuine. Music of this substance does not come around very often.
  • Great album

    By Lowluva
    My pick for album of the year. I can't stop listening to it. Super lush, dark, brooding goodness.
  • Their best effort since "Things We Lost in the Fire"

    By Barnaby James
    I've always been a huge fan of LOW and always have a warm place in my heart for each and every release. But this one will stick out in the years to come. The trio has managed to capture lightning in a bottle on several occasions...most notably "Long Division, Secret Name and Things We Lost in the Fire". This does and will remain a jewel in the ever growing crown of their catalog.
  • Again - deep, soulful

    By Jimfre
    They have done it again. This album is deep and sweet like dark molasses. Favorite track - "Witches"