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Title Artist Time


  • Masterful!

    By J24jc
    From Handel to Heggie and everything in between, Ms. Domanski's flawless technique and beautiful artistry combine to make this CD an absolute must for every musician's listening library. The glorious freedom with which she sings is seemingly effortless and the richness of her instrument will envelop you in a warm blanket of sound you will want to return to again and again. As a teacher, if ever one of my students needed to hear one of these pieces for reference, this is the recording to which I will direct them.
  • Pitch Perfect!

    By M. Triebel
    Domanski's album is beautifully sung and tenderly interpreted. Her clear, pure, and rich instrument and masterful touch will delight opera lovers, but the pleasant tone and open heart in this album should make it equally accessible to newbies and novices alike.