
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Almost perfect

    By THEFROG69
    Well the music is great but the songs don't match the titles. Don't know what's up with that . It's the same on all my devices
  • True art

    By Joe D. Pickle
    I only have two DP albums, yes I said "albums", DP Made in Japan, and Made in Europe. I bought them back in 78-79 when I was 15-16 years old. Little did I know then that I had two of the best live albums ever made, with the Mk II line up on Made in Japan & the Mk III line up, Hughs & Coverdale on Made in Europe. If you like Real music by Real artist & musicians then you can't go wrong with either one of those DP "albums." :-) Oh! & iTunes has the songs listed in the correct order, but the last 3 demos are wrong. Stormbringer is playing for Lady Double Dealer and so forth. For that reason alone I did not down load it. I love this album and would buy it again, 32 yrs. after I bought it on vinyl, but I don't want the track order wrong.
  • Burn!!!

    By Stormwolfe
    Another solid live masterpiece from Deep Purple. Burn is one of the heaviest songs ever. The line up of Blackmore, Lord, Paice, Coverdale and Hughes was a different sound from Made in Japan era Deep Purple but it rocks hard and heavy just the same. Lady Double dealer is a hard driving rock classic as is Stormbringer (a nod to the Elric saga of adventure fantasy literature). Mistreated is a return to Blackmore's roots in electric blues. And finally You Fool No One is an edgy tune that captures the vocal harmonies of Coverdale and Hughes. This band in all its variations remains one of the truest pioneers of hard rock. This album is a must own for anyone who loves live music and hard rock.
  • Amazing album!!!

    By swarm1971
    This record is a a steal at $6.99. I used to have this on cassette and would play it in my car driving around LA. Now I have in on my iPod and play it whole I drive in North England. Get this album. Burn alone is worth $6.99 :-)