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Title Artist Time


  • Compliments

    By beautiful1234
    Chloe Hanslip you are amazing, I never heard the Hubay concerto played so brilliantly and expressive. excellant!!!
  • Thank you Naxos

    By Boolez
    For giving Ms Hanslip a home. She keeps getting better with every release and naxos allows artists like her the freedom to go on a limb and make these types of albums. The last player of any stature to record Hubay's works was Aaron Rosand. Happily Chloe has taken up the mantle of performing lesser known works and giving them a decent hearing for the public. I'm only famlier with the first concerto but the second is just as good. Clean playing through and through by all and the sound quality captures this well. Great deal for anyone interested in the violin literature. -Bz