Amazing talent!
By Fabio.correa
The first time I heard Malú, I felt in love immediately with her voice. This is a great album and it has become my favorite! I love all the songs. Wonderful! Excelente!
By LC Cure
Malú is fast becoming one of my favorite Spanish singers. Her rendition of Enamorada which she sings with such raw emotion and vulnerability, simply enraptured me when I first listened to the song. I stumbled upon this singer by chance, but I have become a fan of her voice, her music and her style. She is a perfect mix of possessing a powerful voice, mixed with a vulnerability that is simply breathtaking. Her album, Guerra Fría is definitely my favorite of Malú's albums. Blanco y negro is by far my favorite song in that album. Simplemente enamorada de su manera de interpretar.
En donde estaba esta chica!!
By JJaramillo
WoW!!! Solo escuche las dos primeras canciones y fue suficiente para comprar todo su album. No se porque a artistas que no valen la pena les dan tanta promocion y a chavas como esta las dejan en el olvido... Bueno, en relidad no me sorprende. Hoy en dia ya cualquier porqueria pega en la radio y cual quier naquete gana premios solo por su carisma aunque no sepa cantar y todo gracias a la juventud de hoy!En fin alla ellos porque se pierden de mucho al no apoyar la musica que en verdad vale la pena.