
  • Genre:
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  • Track Count:


Title Artist Time


  • sorry to hear this

    By feel violated
    if you're lame, buy this album. furthermore, there's nothing remotely hip-hop about this album.
  • Is this For Real?

    By Jesse Flowinz
    Not only are all these beats bitten, they were chewed and spit back out in a terrible fashion. Two thumbs down to any artist who would actually write material over these instrumentals.
  • I like it.

    By Im a geenuous
    It has some real nice beats, and it is a very good price if you buy the whole cd. (20cents per song!) It takes some popular songs and makes a remix-type instrumental of them. I think it was a pretty good idea.
  • these beats are nice

    By Sam J1989
    why can't hip-hop and rap songs have beats like these? all these beats are almost better are more developed than the original. The added synthesizer is "New Umbrella" make it a sick rap song if any rapper wanted to do a cover with that beat. these beats are fire
  • Horrible

    By Doriginal
    Sounds like somebody turned a keyboard on and started randomly pressing keys, every single song
  • ok

    By Bad Azz P
    no matter what cd u buy there will never be 50 songs. But dis ain't that bad for 10