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Title Artist Time


  • Kissy Selly Out Mix Rocks!

    By woolyfork
    This version beats the Dirty South and Chicken Lip mixes hands down!...Makes me want to hit the dance floor and bust a move! The other mixes on this EP are forgettable at best...
  • Brilliant

    By Mark S
    Right...it was a brillant song when The Smiths first released it 20 years ago.
  • Dirty South thumbs down

    By acwarius
    I purchased the Dirty south remix because that is what everyone here said was the best. There are barely any vocals from the original track. If you were to hear a different part of the song you wouldn't even know it was supposed to be a remix.
  • Switch and bate

    By AudioKlepto
    The "Kissy" version is nothing like the clip. The original has addictive vocals and instumentals which makes the the song so damn catchy. The clip makes you believe this has been preserved but 80% of the "kissy" version is a cacophonious jumble of discordant sounds.
  • Dirty South

    By dj baker
    The Dirty South mix is the one you want. Now in top 50 bpm. Good breakdowns and beat.
  • Disappointing!

    By PMFinn
    Stop Me is my favorite cut from Ronson's last album, so I was looking forward to these remixes. What a letdown! The only interesting cut is the Kissy Sell Out Remix. Otherwise, stick with Ronson's original version.

    By Ghost 13
    BPM Has been playing this song for the past few weeks the Dirty South Remix. When I heard this song on my HD XM stereo in my car, wow crystal clear bass!!!! Makes the ground shake. My car is is known as the Bassquake.
  • the preview clips are deceptive

    By robotb
    The clip for the Kissy Sell Out Remix sounds great from the preview but be warned the full track is AWFULL! The mix takes the great lyrics and completely chops and hack edits them over lame electronic equivalent of diahrea. Be warned that if you like the original you you HATE this mix.
  • "the pain was enough to make a shy, bald Buddist reflect..."

    By MH- Washington state
    "and plan a mass murder!" "I drank one and it became four...when I fell on the floor I drank more!" If you know what I am saying, why have you not already purchased this song? *"Brilliant" is the only way to describe this already perfect tune! If you do not know this song from nearly 20 years gone by, you are in for a new ring to the ear. If you remember the Smiths, and knowing that young artist can actually do it better (sometimes) than their elders...this is it! "Friday night in out patient?"