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  • A Dj Too New for the U.S. Audience

    By Texasfolk
    I think it is one of the most creative albums that there are out there these days. It is difficult for me to name my favorite tracks here. Britney's "Toxic" is totally remade and fun. "Apply some Pressure", and "LSF" are very funky and rich. The Zuton's "Valerie" is well suited for Amy, and collaborations by Robbie and Santo Gold are like special appearances. Radiohead's "Just" is totally recreated. It is not fair to down rate an album not knowing a producer of the caliber of Mark Ronson, like in this case. Many artists ( Lilly Allen, Amy Winehouse, Estelle, to name some have worked with him already). This guy is the mastermind behind these people's success, but people seem to fail seeing that. Many others would love for this young man to produce one of their albums. His sound is so distinctive, and it is only for a selected audience. People should check out his older and newer work more often and rethink.
  • Deliciously Wonderful!

    By bluesglenn
    i absolutially love this album. the songs are catchy [in a good way!] and real. i can listen to these songs over and over again, and never get tired of them. its worth the purchase! =] but if your only looking to get a sample of his work, my favorites are, "oh my god" "stop me" and "valerie" although any of these are worth it. hope this helps! =]
  • Sweet

    By thewonder579
    Toxic is possibly one of the best songs ever! If you don't like it, get a life!

    By lovinlife418
    My favorite album of all time!!!!!!!
  • OMG....OMG is so awesome

    By lollerblader
    OH my god is the best song ever!!
  • WOW

    By i'm not creative
    Mark ronson is NO Celebrity DJ, he is an accomplished musicican that has sold thousands in the UK....probably the best singles to come out of the UK are his. He has grown much since the beats of OOH WEE ft. Ghostface Killah. And this album proves he is here to stay.
  • In Love With This Album

    By fify/adorability
    I love love love this album! I looked up the originials of the songs he revamped and rewired and found hardly any similarties (and that was awesome) besides lyrics and meleody. Mark Ronson does no tributes to anyone... This cd rocks with the blazing horns and infectious melodies and with help from his celeb friends ties this all together and makes it wicked. His dj style is unique and is showcased throughout the whole album. Like it... Buy it... Love it (always on repeat)... never get tired of it. All in that order.
  • ft. Daniel Merriweather?

    By SneLei
    I know it's Mark Ronsons beat brain child, but w/o Daniel Merriwethers voice Stop Me would most likely have stopped before leaving the studio. If you only buy the song or CD for Stop Me its understandable. I'm sure the rest would grow on you, by the way Mark Ronson doesn't sing he produces and makes insane beats. The voice you love in Stop Me is that of a feature artist. Check out Merriweathers Myspace for more of his songs (For winter is my fav.), and he hasn't released a CD yet; only a soundtrack cut.
  • Finally clean!

    By crazychrisr
    1. "God Put a Smile On Your Face" - 4/5 - good upbeat song 2. "Oh My God" - 5/5 - One of my favorites on this album 3. "Stop Me" - 5/5 - The first single, my personal favorite 4. "Toxic" - 1/5 - I dont realy like this song, i dont know why i just don't, oringinal is Way better 5. "Valerie" - 5/5 - A little repetative with valerie but still a GREAT song! 6. "Apply Some Pressure" - 2/5 - Here is where the album starts to decline 7. "Inversion" - 2/5 - Basically the same as diversion and out version, they all have the same tune 8. "Pretty Green - 1/5 - REALY BAD 9. "Just" - 2/5 - ... 10. "Amy" - 4/5 - This I would think would be in the upper part of the album, the better side 11. "The Only One I Know" - 2/5 - and then we back to the bad side of the album 12 "Diversion" - 2/5 - ... 13. "L.S.F. (Version Revisited) - 2/5 - ... 14.. "Outversion" - 3/5 - this song closes the album it is one of the better songs on the second half :-)
  • lovin' it!

    By bugaloo15
    i recently saw the music video of "stop me" just flippin through channels last week and i rreeaalllyyy like it. mark ronson has a really great beautiful voice and the song gets u dancing to which is what i love. i also like valerie. amy sounds lovely.