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Title Artist Time


  • Such attention to inner voicing!

    By Mysollati
    Ax does such an amazing job finding those little inner voices and duets hidden in the Intermezzo #2! He has some that are unique to him...I've listened to every recording I can get my hands on. His interpretation makes me think I'm listening to a brand new piece as he expertly reveals the inner beauty of this Brahms gem!
  • Brahms with feeling!

    By burnt smores
    There are many recordings of this piece available in iTunes and I believe this one to be the best of all of them, even superior to Glen Gould! Brahms was a romantic and this piece especially must be played from deep in your heart. Too many recordings just do this one by the numbers, start, 1, 2, 3, 4, stop. It must be done "Rubato" as a song with longing and motion as a great singer like Bobby Lee or Billie Holiday or Ella Fitzgerald would. I dare you. Put on some headphones, close your eyes and let the nuances and passion sweep you to another place. It has so much feeling and tenderness with the halting beginning, those rolling bass lines and that melody at the top. Then Emmanuel lets you down so gently at the end and the piece just melts away. A masterpiece so beautifully rendered here by this artist!! This is one you should definitely not miss.
  • One of the best Brahms I've heard in a while

    By Boolez
    Emanuel Ax tends to be one of those hit or miss artits. He seems to only truly shine when he cares about a work. It's obvious that he as an affinity for the works presented here and is ths one on of the finest recordings of Brahm's piano works in a while. He plays the Variations and Fugue with a percision and passion similar to a young Glenn Gould. Oddly enough the only other Brahm's recording of piano music I find intriguing is the Gould recording...sounds nothing like him in the best sense. Get this album and enjoy!