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Title Artist Time


  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • My Favorite

    By ItsCosmo
    How can I give anything but 5 starts to an album that I still listen to after 35+ years? Alice has always been a strong songwriter, whether it be head banging rockers, ballads, or anything in between. This album has a little of everything, with a range of styles and emotions, and most of all - great songs. I’ve read that this album annoyed some die-hard fans. Not sure why, it’s still my favorite AC.
  • One of, if not My Favorite Albums

    By Darthnod
    This particular album is one that constantly stays on my iPhone. I have digital, CD, and Record of this one. You and Me has always been my personal song to my wife and I have never found another song to really replace it.
  • Another album by an artist that ceases to amaze

    By LoveItToDeath
    This was a very strong follow up to AC Goes to Hell. The first three songs especially are fantastic. Other good ones are You And Me, King of the Silver Screen, and Ubangi Stomp.
  • You and me

    By Ziolko bj
    This is the best song how I feel just perfect
  • Death Before Disco Alice! Good effort though.

    By Priestfan421
    I think this is probably Alice at his lowest point; the line between alter ego and Vincent had been lost - he was struggling with alcohol and substance abuse, he was concerned about his relationship with his wife (which would be nearly jeopardized AGAIN in the early 80's when he relapsed). This album was pretty doomed...That said I dont hate it. It has some strong tracks, like Road Rats, and You and Me, even I Never Wrote Those Songs is alright, but unless you NEED the full discology, I dont fully recommend it simply because it isnt Alice Cooper in his 'zone' so to speak, and I give it a four since he wasnt at his best and though he was beginning to head in the right direction (by thinking of going to rehab which spawned arguably one of his best albums ever, From The Inside), he was a drunken, drugged up mess at the time. All those things taken into consideration, this is a hell of an effort from someone in that kind of condition. Its comparable to the Who's album Its Hard in the sense that you can still enjoy it, but the band isnt at their best.
  • THE MASTER!!!!!

    By Tsicman
    hes finnaly in the hall of fame !!!! bout time ...yeah this is realy great stuff right here ''its hot 2nite'' is the best song eva!!! GO ALICE!!!!
  • They Don't Make Alice Coopers Anymore!!!

    By Dave is King 69
    This album is a great addition to anyone's 70's deep cut file. I happen to think the official review of this album is way off.. Alice Cooper is probably the most under rated song writer of his generation and during this period between 1975-77 was pure gold.. Anyone with ears should down load It's hot tonight, Lace and Whisky and Road Rats. And if you can, get out and see him live... They don't make Alice Coopers anymore!!!!!
  • Beware of the length of "You And Me"

    By Dr. Length
    This downloadable 'album' contains the single version of "You And Me", which runs 3:26. The original album version ran about 5 minutes. I-Tunes properly lists the length as 3:26, but any purist seeking the album version will have to look elsewhere.
  • Alice

    By The JYD
    I'm not sure how old any of the previous reviewers are, but they are more than likely Johnny Come Lately's in terms of Alice knowledge and insight. Lace and Whiskey was NOT released after "From the Inside" but actually prior to it. In 1977 Alice was such an alcoholic he could barely stand up to sing these songs into the mic. A couple of months after completing this album he checked into rehab. THEN, after his release he wrote and recorded "From The Inside". Get the correlation? This album is incredible in the for the simple fact that the artist was barely coherent and still managed a better collection of songs than most of his late 80s efforts. (Feed my Frankenstein???) Alice is a true rock n roll chameleon-different sounds in different stages of his sometimes twisted life. Try out "Special Forces" and "Zipper Catches Skin" for an even different side to the man's music.Long live Alice.