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Title Artist Time


  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • One of Al's forgotten albums

    By Reckia6
    A good album that never got the recognition it deserved. Side one is pretty solid, with strong songs like Zorro's Ascent and Make That Money, while the second half has some fun songs like Adaptable For You and I Like Girls. I like this album a bunch.
  • I am the fox

    By Maullb3
    Very strange I love Alice Cooper. Kiss and them are my favorite bands but honestly this and 4 others were quite weird but it's Alice
  • Love the forgotten 4

    By Sully_Digs
    As for the reviewer who stated this is the worst of the four AC albums that Alice does not remember recording, I agree. But, I have an attachment to all of them and love them to death.
  • This album is really nothing to write home about

    By Eric Dilliard
    This was one of the four albums recorded during the lowest point in Alice Cooper's life. There are four albums which he has no memories of recording and this is probably by fair the worst of those imfamous four (Flush the fashion, Special Forces, Zipper Catches Skin, and DaDa). The songs are catchy but they are not Alice at his full potential. Now this is my own personal opinion, so please save the hateful comments because I am one of Alice's biggest fans which is why I couldn't give something that he put his blood and sweat in less then 3 stars. Even though Alice has been quoted a couple times aknowleding this album isn't that great.
  • go ahead and get this

    By Hellbone
    If you like the funny side of the coop, this is a must have. "I like girls" is worth it alone, as is "I better be good" and "I'm alive", hell, alla it is bust a spleen funny.

    By shyven
    I love this album. I probably have listened to this one album of his more than any other. It's got a campy new wave and punk feel to it that sets it aside from most of his other material. The album art itself is classic. I can't say enough good things about this album, as it's one of my all time favorites. If anything, it has a sentimental value for me, and speaks loads for the era it came from. Very 80's!!
  • Not great, but not bad.

    By thornebush5
    Easily Alice's worst album, but that's still saying something, because the album really isn't that bad. Zorro's Ascent Remarkably Insincere and I'm Alive are the best tracks on the album. Bottom line, don't buy the entire album unless you're a die hard Alice fan like me, and must own every album he's ever made.
  • Not a Masterpiece, But Really Good

    By SproutGraphics
    Alice was clearly having fun with this album. It seems as if he hopped in a time machine after completing Billion Dollar Babies, travelled 10 years into the future and made this album. It is both musically and lyrically creative. One of the coolest album covers - if somewhat gross. The back cover has a picture of him actually getting skin caught in his zipper. This album saw him abandoning the "new Alice" for some reason but this more real-life, funny, human Alice is great to have around. He tells his stories with different characters, acting out the songs better than he ever has. "I Am the Future" is hands-down the best song of this album and one of his best ever. Other personal favorites are "Adaptable," the cult-hit "I'm Alive" and "Tag, You're It."
  • No Bad, Not Great

    By devilzone
    I gave it 3 stars. It has 3 songs that are descent enough to add to a IPOD and they are Make that Money, No Baloney Homosapiens and I Better Be Good.