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Title Artist Time


  • Testament

    By KenNaylor
    As a founding member of the TCC, I sang this at the closing ceremony of the first gay games. If only our performance touched this one!!!!!! I sang it with joy all those years ago with the TCC, now I get to hear it over and over by a group I dearly loved. It is a fitting performance to the most incredible words written for an American, especially a gay American. Never lose sight of what we are and what we stand for.
  • Great Americana

    By Belcanto
    It's great that iTunes finally has this album; I only wish they obtained it sooner, since I had to order it directly from the group's website. The Turtle Creek Chorale does an excellent job with the title piece. The vocal sound is wonderfully rich, and the balance between the instruments and voices is about as good as you can get with a piece that calls for such a large instrumental ensemble.My only complaint is that in some parts of "We Have Counted the Cost," it's hard to understand the words if you don't already know them; same thing with "We Fight Not For Glory." But these are minor quibbles. This is a must-own for any American music lover, as it features a criminally underperformed composer. The title piece alone is worth the price, but all the tracks are excellent.