By BlackExcellence007
It Is an absolutely great album
By MultiDelane
To this day, this is the one CD I still own. "The Roof" is my favorite track on the album.
Best album of all time!
By rmaze07
This is a masterpiece. This album indeed shows Mariah’s prowess and singing ability. It also showcases her unparalleled creative songwriting talent!!
By Chanteuse Eli
A legendary album
By Jezel25
If you haven’t listened this album well your stupid.
Likely my favorite album
By 123456789987654321SJL
It’s amazing! A masterpiece!
The magnum opus
By TheeNormaJeane
This is truly one of Mariah Carey‘s best albums, the production and the rich Butteriness of her voice on this app and truly stands out from others. Special mention to songs like the roof, babydoll and my all.
By mc16_1
Even though this album is 20 years old it’s still my favorite i’ve loved mariah since musicbox because she helped me through tough times. Nonetheless this album will never get old
Who wrote the itunes review for butterfly?
Classic, timeless, hands down the best album ever!
By Monica A K
Mariah Carey’s butterfly album is a work of art and displays Mariah’s true genius ability to create beautiful melodies and lyrics that touch the soul. My All, The Roof, and Outside are some of my all time favorite songs and I keep coming back to listen to them year after year.
This is a classic everyone should own and have in their catalog as streaming does not allow the subtleties in her voice and music to shine through as much as a purchased copy. Love you Mariah!! Keep making amazing music and sharing your God given gift with all of us!! Lamb for life - Monica K., San Jose California
Absolute magic!
By PabloCoxx88
Pure magic all throughout this incredibly put together album! Such a beautiful story!!