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Title Artist Time


  • missing track?!

    By djalram
    where is Honey (Bad Boy Remix)? always gotta be missing that one song!
  • πŸ’–

    By muyfresca
    The greatest remixes album of all time.
  • Great mixes!!

    By michaeljackson_mariahcarey
    Especially honey 🍯😁🎢🎢
  • The Best Remixes Album EVER

    By ME.I.AM.Steven4Real
    If u love Mariah classic songs then u are gonna enjoy this album. Mariah is so creative with remixes and these are so good. I love every single song. It is A+mazing. U wont regret, buy it!
  • Love this

    By mc16_1
    This has to be the best album ever i love mariah and this collection showcases why!
  • queen

    By chriscarey
    2015 and i still love this album!!! best remix album!!! everrrrrrrr
  • Perfect!

    By KylieRae
  • Album only Fantasy?

    By Booshie04
    iTunes can you please make "Fantasy" available for purchase? Please, please, please!!!!!! Great song for a workout and I need it! More stars when we can purchase song only.
  • What's the purpose!!

    By Lucy from the Lou
    This is ridiculous!! If I wanted the whole album I'd go buy the cd! The cool thing about Apple/iTunes was the option to buy what I want..not what you force me to have!! I want FANTASY that's it that's all...I love MC but I only like a few mixes....this is a bummer (booooo!!!)
  • Great Collection

    By Coyne95
    The major standout is 'Anytime You Need A Freind' C+C music factory remix. vocally Mariah was superior to Celine AND Whitney. yes i said better than Whitney. Mariah's singing technique was so signature,her tone,her range her overall sound,she wrote every song on every one of her albums. so dont write her off as a hip hop chick. shes a true artist. the only complaint witht his collection is that it should have included songs like 'I Still Believe(Pure Imagination)' 'Underneath The Stars(drifting mix) etc. she could totally have had a 'The Remixes Vol.2' released,but her label didnt even really want to put this first one out..