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Title Artist Time


  • Karen is amazing, album is ok

    By Mr. Bob
    This is another in a string of remixes. As always, Karen's voice is incredible, bringing you on a true holiday journey. Two big disappointments - no new songs! There are songs from Christmas specials that haven't been released yet (or maybe something still hiding in the vault?). I'd love to hear those again. And the Philharmonic version of Merry Christmas Darling is a disaster. Instead of a lovely, simple ballad, it's been turned into an overblown mess. There are even times when the orchestration and backing vocals drown almost out Karen's lead. This version is not up to Carpenters standards and should be avoided. Instead, listen to the version on Christmas Portrait, and get the real experience.
  • Outstanding

    By Jimmyoneman
    Seems like Richard worked most of the songs to sound better on surround sound. Karen is a tough act to follow, greatest ever, born to sing Christmas music. The Carpenters Christmas music is wonderful.
  • Clearest Voice - Bar None

    By JoeSimon123
    With Karen, you can make out every syllable, vowel and word. Truly, a voice from heaven!
  • An emotional Carpenters Christmas Once More

    By JCiro
    KC sounds like she's right in front of you! The new mixes give the vocals and orchestra separation and clarity for a much more intimate feel, IMHO. You'll hear things you didn't before! It's fun and emotional. A very moving experience.