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Title Artist Time


  • Forever the Man in Black

    By Johnny Ro
    Wow wow wow! My grandmother would have absolutely loved this album to no end. Definitely have this on repeat forever. Thank you Johnny Cash.🖤
  • One of a kind!

    By Electric Skydog
    Such a great talent with that strong bold voice. He sang with confidence and strength and irresistible charm. These songs are a perfect example of his approach and style!
  • Rip Johnny Cash

    By Bravewarrior30
    What a legend, just hearing this new album while he’s dead is just creepy but in a good way, classic old school country music! Love it
  • This man in black

    By Alphamale0711
    I just sat through this album with a cold soda and watched my kids play toys. This album sure has that feel good feeling. Times are not like they used to be, but this album is. Thank you Mr. Cash.
  • The Man!!!

    By The Blood Taker
    Great stuff!!
  • Thank you

    By Eddy Johnny
    Very refreshing to hear his voice to new sound.
  • The Man ….. J. R. Cash 🤘

    By ShadowElvis
    The Man in Black is back. I’ve loved Johnny Cash since I was a little boy. My father got me hooked on Cash and Elvis Presley and Ricky Nelson just to name a few. Johnny Cash was special and his music can reach into your soul. Love when the holidays roll around and Cash and Elvis Christmas music is playing in my house. God blessed us with Johnny Cash and I hope he’s rocking out up there with The King Elvis Presley and Ricky Nelson. 🤘🤘🤘
  • The Man in Black

    By aemurray
    Classic old school Country Music like it should be done. Some great added Musicians and Greats. Grammy Worthy Country Music is its very best.