By Harper plus Maddox
This song is catchy I guess but in my opinion you should go back to pop plus the cover for the album it’s just not country. It might be a different story for you but just GO BACK TO POP PLS!!!!
By .6.7.7.
It’s catchy but not country.
By Evhfanatic
This is a catchy single I’ll admit. It is not,however, a country song. It can be used for line dancing in clubs and such sure but most country music fans will agree with me on this one. Country songs,for the most part, tells a story. This one really doesn’t but I still like it.
By cdm0123
Beyoncé is NOT a country singer! This song is horrible and she needs to stick with the genre she’s been signing for years! Don’t buy it!! Dumbest song she’s ever made! I turn the station everytime I hear it come on!
By Bloggers Unite
I’m so tired of these pop artist trying to sing with a fake twang accent. They are ruining country. Bring back real country and stop this junk!
This is good
By Mylyxljc
Haters Keep your opinion to yourselves
By TJ Hickman
I love this song personally I live on a 5 Acres
farm with
19 ducks 3 turkeys 1 dog and 2 cats so 😄
Not country
By Zachcofer
Just cause you wear a cowboy hat and sing with a banjo does not make you country
Great song by: Beyonce
By Great fan of Beyoncé
This us a great song u tried and that’s all that matters I know for a fact that you loved that u tried to do a. Country song and u killed that song I hope u have a great day and don’t let those haters get to your head heart.
Have a great day
It’s Country and It’s Fabulous!
By IKColeman
I love it! Just as country as any other contemporary songs I’ve heard. I’m digging it. But…haters gonna’ hate. 😊