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Title Artist Time


  • Enough

    By Sister Anna
    Look, she should even be included on The Rolling Stone top 200 singers, but how many time are they going to release the same songs! What’s next, a disco or a Latin version.sorry, I do love her but time to put it to rest unless there are recordings we have t heard. Stop being money grabbers!
  • The beauty of her voice lives on

    By Genek64
    I've only heard 2 songs, though I have her original recordings. All you need to do is listen to Songbird to know that this entire effort is wirthy of Eva's talent. I wish we had the chance to watch and hear this beautiful voice share the emotion she expressed for more years than she had to give us. Eva was a talent who is missed. This will be a wonferful way to share her gift one more time.
  • songbird

    By worksinfashion
    This songbird + The London Symphony Orchestra = exquisite.