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Title Artist Time


  • Great song

    By Find rfjnv hutn
    I was playing Pokémon Scarlet and I finished it then I saw the name of the song and asking my Alexa to play it almost every day.
  • Love this!

    By Katiann111
    I’m not a huge Ed Sheeran fan (I’m usually more of a hard rock fan usually) so I didn’t recognize the voice or style on the Pokémon Violet credits. I had to google it to figure out where to get the song - I may have missed its listing in the game’s credits (if it was listed with the singer’s name at all). Other than the difficulty finding the song, it’s great!
  • A musical masterpiece, even for non-Pokémon fans!

    By ???Anounamouys
    This song is perfection. When I finished my play-through of Pokémon Violet, this song completed my Paldean journey… and I absolutely loved it. Such a great song, Ive found myself humming it and listening to it in my free time, and now I plan on buying - yes, buying - this song from iTunes so I can listen to it anywhere. The lyrics are very meaningful, the tune is catchy, and if you’ve played Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, you’ll be able to connect the lyrics to the story (which, by the way, is really well written despite the numerous bugs) very easily. Perfect song for a perfect ending to a perfect (alright, very good…) Pokémon game!

    By JJ_134
    i mean the emotion in the voice is incredible and its a catchy vibe
  • Favorite song

    By gymnastics_j
    I love celestial yea that’s all I can say
  • Love the song, love the game!

    By KattTheCatt
    I played through all of Pokémon Scarlet, and the way they put celestial at the end almost made me cry. When I heard the Ed was having a song in Pokémon, I just had to check it out. The music video was dynamite! That led me to my love of Ed Sheeran songs. I can never get enough of this song. Put it in other games like Mario Rabbids Sparks of hope or Legend of Zelda botw and no matter what you do, this song is perfect in any way possible! Thank you Ed, for a song that changed my life in the best way possible.
  • I like

    By Monster killer 4
    I LOVE how this is in Pokémon Scarlet good job.😉
  • Great song

    By Jk7777jk
    This song is so great I love it I’m gonna have to give it a five star it’s in Pokémon scarlet and violet that’s not the point I love it
  • Oh my gosh

    By Elias marsh 28335276
    I beat Pokémon scarlet and still working on violet but this song was just amazing so Nostalgic it makes me remember when beat scarlet. I cried joy when beat it God song choice
  • Not great

    By allheilzues
    I love a lot of Ed Sheeran’s songs but this one was a disappointment. The fact they put this song in the end credits to Pokemon Scarlet/Violet was so stupid. I get that not all songs are good but this one is wayy overrated.