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Title Artist Time


  • Great positive song but it doesn’t stop or start at a 4 year college STEM related degree

    By HamletSkull356
    I am a machinist by trade. And I’ll say, that there are tons of high paying cool fun jobs available to minorities if they are unable to afford the masters or PhD degree initially. If they are willing to go the cost effective STEM route focused on a community college 2 year degree in Mechatronics, CNC programming, or Manual Machining, Mechanical Maintenance, and other related trades. The sky is the limit. It’s what our country desperately needs to compete with the global economy. And the job growth for machinists and similar STEM related trades is gargantuan considering so many machine tool or robotics programmers, or technicians and master machinists are retiring with very few young folks to fill their positions. The 4 year college route is costly and hard to obtain in absence of a scholarship. If I could somehow encourage minorities that college is not the only option. I could write an endless blog.
  • Thank You

    By TMNT95
    Thank you will to proceed to do music 😭
  • BLM

    By I.B. Blackman
  • Will.I.Who?

    By Lady Gaga Kentucky FAN!!!!
    YouTube sound of a bobcat. Sounds better than this.
  • The Dream

    By AXPZ
    Will.i.Am is is very good write song is fire 🔥
  • Just not a good song

    By Schmandy25
    I’d be supportive if the song was any good, but it sounds like he made it in 10 minutes......
  • Sounds great, and is for a great cause

    By PurpleAlchemist1
    Looks like the trolls got here before me. Gotta love troll comments on iTunes.... But in all seriousness, great song and great cause.
  • Pretty good

    By Whatever707
    Not bad
  • It’s ok

    By jejejejjem
    Will.I.am was better back in the early 2010s but now he is just a modern reggae-ish singer :(
  • Epic flop

    By OrangePeelNeilNeil
    Why? Just no.