
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Easy to listen to!

    By Shake6
    It’s hard to find a good Christmas album! This is nicely done and easy to listen to! Well done Lady A.
  • More beautiful than ever!

    By Havenstyle
    Love every song on this album! The variety of tracks are festive, emotional, soft, fun and meaningful. Lady A has not wavered in producing Grammy worthy music that is not only beautiful but also true to who they are and what their audience loves so much!
  • Love It

    By awk1970
  • Review the Music, not Your Ill Informed Stance

    By Cub2serve
    So, I purchased the album the first time around, and this time just purchased it again for the price of the individual new singles. The album is a solid Christmas album. No surprises. Something easy to listen to actively or in the background. As for those people dissing this album for the the suit the band has going, this isn't the forum for that discussion. This should be about the music itself. Though having read BOTH sides of the issue from both parties, and independant discussions on it, I side with them. Both can co-exist. Already on Itunes the other Artist is listed as Lady "A". I still found her. And I knew them as Lady A before I ever heard of her.
  • Nope

    By Fauxe1983
    No thank you

    By Everybody Sing
    This trio is a trio of hypocrites that have lost their relevancy. Took the name Lady A from a women of color and proceeded to sue her for the name when she clearly had it first.
  • Not Bad...It is different and seasonal

    By Artman706
    This album is a mix...big band, ballads, light pop...Not like their usual country. I don't know their story surrounding the name change but I always enjoyed their harmony and sound. Its a decent Christmas album.
  • Different name, same racists

    By Foregoing msgs
    Using your money and inexplicable fame to try and steamroll a real working musician, The Real Lady A, and steal her name. Hope y'all get nothin' but a lump of coal in your stockings this year, serve you right.
  • Boring

    By LaceyDrawers69
    Songs are run of the mill. Nothing new or exciting. Seems that even vibrato in voice has depreciated. May be time to hang up their hat. Super unimpressed and disappointed. Even they sound bored.
  • Still ignorant

    By Dodge555
    Gotta love a bunch of country whacks that think just going to Lady A corrects their ignorance. Talk about a bunch of people to chicken to admit wrong and properly correct it. At least I can now choose what the A stands for Lady Ahol**