
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • 2 years later…

    By PowerslaveChris
    I still listen to this album. Unbroken, grieving, beyond desolation, all gone… man. This game changed me I’m on my 3rd play through on grounded+. Masterpiece of a game/story and to those who don’t agree… missing out
  • Alright here we go

    By getshreddy
    My harshest music criticism isn’t for Gustavo. I’m leaving five stars for him. It’s Quayle’s tracks- too much like Call of Duty. There didn’t seem to be enough of Gustavo’s tracks in the actual game. But it gets tricky to rant at musicians only- as their job is to be in sync with the game. The plot itself drives the tracks, which is probably why we have a lot of more of the Quayle stuff, and here’s why. The plot is based on vengeance. That’s okay, it drives the story. The problem is there’s just way too many people, it doesn’t feel like the first Last of Us because instead of two people wandering through mostly empty ruins, running into very small factions, we have grand scale conflicts with actual cities of people. It just doesn’t feel desolate. In a weird way, I liked how alone I felt in the first game. If my character got left behind even for a second, I felt the loneliness and abandonment. Not so much here. That’s the one big issue with this game. Is it a good game with good music from both artists? Yes! Those were just my criticisms.
  • Where are Ellie’s guitar songs

    By missing1link
    No Take on me?? That was one of the best versions of this song. No Hurt, Redemption song, Wish you were here… They dropped the ball on this album. It could have been amazing
  • Another excellent score!

    By Kail Kilbourne
    With TLOU2 OST, Gustavo once again proves that he really can do no wrong. I don’t understand why people are judging this soundtrack based on the game; that’s totally unfair to the composers. Before listening to this one, I listened to his score for the first game. That one definitely had more variety, but I still love so much of this OST. It’s haunting, yet beautiful, and recaptures the original’s themes so well. Endure and survive!
  • Amazing soundtrack

    By Koizumi_
    Love the tone of all the songs. Each note is carried with a well played tune of talent the artists used to put together a great experience to this album/soundtrack. Worth the money spent. Do not let your feelings of the game blind you to the immense melodies that are in these songs.
  • Incredible music.

    By Garza_2013
    As a musician I feel a deep connection with music in general. I know what good music sounds like. Although the game has its flaws, objectively speaking, the music is simply and undeniably phenomenal.
  • Just becuase the game's bad

    By EzraDoctor
    Doesn't mean these two slacked off. Gustavo brings his A-game, trying to score a F-game, they'd better have paid this man his dues.
  • Great soundtrack. Great game.

    By Piston Bull
    A perfect soundtrack to a perfect game.
  • Good soundtrack, terrible game.

    By rondomdude
    To all People who like the second game, you should probably play the first game and see how awful and disturbing the second game really is.
  • Sick to the fullest

    By Ben Bently
    Part 1 and 2 create a strong story of love and revenge and how far both can take a person, and the personal cost. Both soundtracks are a must have if you dig ambience.