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Title Artist Time


  • Old Old ....Marketing Again

    By JimmyLee69
    Why do they keep doing this we all have them a million times Draw the line on remaster ! It's nothing but marketing !
  • no more greatest hits

    By wazzuuup.
    at least Elton John Diamonds was a good greatest hits
  • Rock and Rolling Stones!

    By LukeRitzel
    I love the Rolling Stones songs! They’re catchy and memorable!
  • Honk

    By fokrab
    See “Best of Rolling Stones 1971-1993” re- mastered. Available on iTunes. The author of the background isn’t actually being honest here. Great selection of songs for 20 bucks but many have been as noted in a previous compilation.
  • Stones greatest hits,......again?

    By dchicks1
    Oh boy, another greatest hits album! NOT! I am as big a 'stones fan as anyone, but, some new stuff would really be appreciated over remastered songs and/or adding a few live songs.
  • Sad Sad Sad!

    By Chicgdwiygcdwgyc
    In this age of iTunes and streaming why would the Stones release yet another non-productive album? How much money do these senior citizens reALLY need? Please do not consider.
  • Seriously??

    By schizm88
    Another Stones compilation. Because that’s what the world needs, right?
  • Beach Boys album???

    By Eddie in INDY
    So, You guys are going what the Beach Boys have been doing for years.....recycle and remix....Mick, Keef, Charlie, Ronnie.....et. al. SSSSSSSSSTOP it. Just stop it. Even Dylan is making different music, and Eric Clapton and Paul McCartney. Step up your game, Stone boys
  • Again?

    By Stairway To Evan 92
    They put a new greatest hits album out every 2-3 years now. Why do people keep buying them if they already own previous ones. They wouldn't keep putting them out if nobody was buying them. So, stop buying them.
  • Yup

    By racedayjay
    It's a great compilation, with some live tracks. Haters should just go away and hate. The Stones aren't about that.