
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Awesome Christmas

    By William Hargrove26
    This the best Christmas rock song of all time. This ain’t pop! Pop is dead.
  • No just no

    By dwwwdosw
    Miley no offense but really 🤦🏼‍♀️ this is trash asf
  • Miley slayed this.

    By whiplash-girlchild
    The ending just gets me every time. “War is over, if you want it. War is over, now.” ❤️ We can hope. Happy Christmas, everyone.
  • If it ain’t broke, don’t break it.

    By Box Car Al
    Some songs just don’t ever need to be remade and this is one of them. If it ain’t broke don’t break it.
  • keep christ in christmas

    By didnt know it was explicit
    when jesus returns everyone is gonna be wishing they lived diffrently .
  • Nah

    By Tiiiinaaaaaaaaaa
    Miley, song ain’t for you.
  • Someone Call PETA

    By Grampa ZZ
    Someone is castrating a sheep and it is bleating into a microphone.
  • I don't hate it

    By Hip-Hop/Rap???
    I am a huge Beatles fan and hate when people do remakes of their stuff - but honestly, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be - not a fan of Miley so I was expecting not to like it. It's actually not too bad...
  • Not good at all...

    By Vol4life999
    Saw her sing this on SNL. Some said it brought tears. Yeah, tears of pain. This is not good at all.
  • Strong message from a strong voice

    By SusanP71
    Miley rocked this on SNL! I immediately ran to my phone and downloaded it! Thank you for making this awesome song available! Hats off to Sean Lennon as well! Incredible music collaboration! This message is so needed for all of us! ❤️ Miley