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Title Artist Time


  • 1975 beautiful album from beginning to end!

    By angeljake
    I think what’s so interesting about this album is the fact that they covered desperado by the Eagles and in many ways the carpenters could be seen as a singles band much like the Eagles so you probably have one or two or maybe three or four compilation albums by them or maybe you were looking for a gift for somebody and this album is so great because every song is different and it adds to their catalog without going into anything that’s kind of campy or cheesy the way that they did on some other albums just a nice overall album a great cover really terrific. It’s definitely something you could put on and people would say I’ve never heard this before.
  • The carpenters are my favorite BAND!!!

    By lily J R :)
    I love all the songs. This album is one of my favorites! Great music 🎶 awesome music 🎶 best ever😁👍🏻
  • Means So Much In So Many Ways

    By music city citizen
    I'll be the first to review this album. Whoa!!!! What a tapestry of gorgeous songs - arrangements, vocals, melodies, and moods are only top notch in every way. May I say something? Karen looks so gorgeous on this album cover. When this came out, we did not know about the problems, and I flipped over her picture, but of course I never told anybody. I was just a shy kid but this album meant so much to me in so many ways.