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Title Artist Time


  • Best Christmas Album Ever !

    By gdby2lv
    It’s like listening to a beautiful Broadway Christmas Show with full backing choir and orchestra. The lead vocals by the late Karen Carpenter are impeccable as are the arrangements by her brother and Peter Knight. A must have for anyone who enjoys Christmas Music at it finest. Update: listen to the new Dolby Atmos track, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. Karen has never sounded more amazing.
  • The Absolute Best Christmas Album Ever

    By Tmonk88
    We raised our kids to the sound of this album every Christmas. They are now 30 plus years old. It’s timeless and beautifully crafted. Richard is a genius with his arrangements and Karen voice is absolutely mesmerizing. She is on my Mount Rushmore of female voices along with Barbara Streisand Whitney Houston and Natalie Cole. Thank you Karen. We all miss you.
  • Simply beautiful

    By Upjumbo
    SImply put, Karen has the voice of an angel. The Carpenters are timeless, one has to wonder what gifts they would ave given the world had she not been taken so soon...
  • Best Christmas Album Ever!

    By With_a_D
    As a kid from Downey, we grew up listening to the Carpenters and this album is still on repeat every year. Her voice is the best and their versions of the classics hold up decades later.
  • Best Christmas Album

    By OhioJake
    Karen Carpenter's voice is timeless. I listened to this album as a young kid in the 70's, as a college student in the 80's, as a young parent with my kids in the 90's, and still listen to it today. It is the top of my Holiday Playlist with the highest play count. Just can't beat it.
  • A Christmas Masterpiece!

    By media mania
    Standing the test of time is one of the most listenable voices in music with Karen Carpenter. Along with Richard's arrangements and a medley of Holiday favorites comes one of best Christmas Albums of all time. Whether you want to relax and sing along or play it as background music during your holiday activities, this album has a selection and song count more than any other. RIP Karen, knowing that 40+ years after its inception your beautiful voice still soothes our hearts for the holidays!
  • Timeless album!

    By Zeapoiludo
    One of the best and must have Christmas album!
  • My go to Christmas Album!

    By FR94114
    Karen has the voice of an angel. This album is a Christmas classic with all of your favorites where Karen shows off her talent as an artist with one of the best voices all time. This is sure to be your go to Christmas album for years to come. Enjoy!
  • The Epitome of Christmas Nostalgia

    By Schooner7707
    Love Christmas music and these favorite musicians of my youth. ❤️
  • The sound of Christmas itself

    By Emamia
    This has been played at every Christmas at my house as long as I can remember. The CD finally broke a couple years ago, so now we have to download it. This will never not sound like Christmas to me.